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Information Technology Professional | Strategist | Problem Solver | Entrepreneur

The Story:

Robert created in 2004 as a vehicle to express himself as well as to promote his talents and abilities. Inspired by friends and peers who were far more knowledgeable about webdesign, he decided to learn to create a digital space for himself.  

The original vision for the site was to be similar to what you see on social media sites today (pictures, a blurb about me, links to friends, interests, etc.).  The explosion of social media and apps took attention away from the site, and it was dormant for quite some time.  A new website vision was needed.  He thought that perhaps he could use the site to connect to friends and family, provide the opportunity for others to get to know him a little better, and blog about his thoughts, IT trends and interesting IT topics.   

With this new vision in mind, he resurrected and developed it into the site you see today.

Rob's Areas of Interest:


Computer programs and software; digital imagery, digital video; video games; web pages and websites, including social media; data and databases; digital audio, such as mp3s; and e-books are all examples of digital media.  They make our lives simpler, but a peek behind the curtain reveals fluctuating challenges in privacy and protection.  I am committed to maintaining a safe balance between technology and security.


Community Service

I have a passion for helping others in the community.  I believe that by doing what you can to help your fellow man, you can greatly impact the community as well as bring a sense of purpose to your own life.  Whether its mentoring the youth, participating in a walk or run for a worthy cause, or helping to clean up the community, there is plenty to be done.  How can you help?

Information technology

IT has become the backbone of our society.  It is both a blessing and a curse which has completely changed the way we function.  We have the complete wealth of human knowledge at the tip of our fingers as well as the ability to manipulate it.  How do we ensure the truth is protected?  Who determines what is true?  We are witnessing the importance of this today.  I believe it is necessary to secure, protect, and maintain the integrity of all forms of technology and electronic data.


The world of music is ever growing and evolving, and I'm not just talking about sound trends. I am an audiophile; always searching for that perfect sound whether its in my vehicle or my man cave.  I love listening to music (all genres of music).  I love how the instruments which are completely different and sound nothing alike can come together and create something incredible.  I'm a lover of the bass.  Whether upright or electric, it is my favorite instrument, and I'm learning to play it now.



Technology is so prevalent today that most of us can’t remember having ever lived without it. It makes our lives simpler, but it also makes us lazy, complacent, and worst of all, vulnerable.  Providing security for existing and emerging technology is a massive undertaking, but not impossible.  It is essential to protect your data and your privacy.  I work relentlessly to stay on top of the trends in IT as well as IT security.


PC & console gaming

I am a "gamer".  I have a significant collection of console and PC games ranging from NES to XBOXONE, but I love PC games the most.  Why gaming Rob, how old are you? Actually, gaming provides a competitive and engaging medium. Much like sports, games provide a constant cycle of action and decision-making, instant feedback, satisfying rewards, and just the right level of challenge.  Gaming provides a vehicle to connect with other people who enjoy the challenge as much as you do, and it serves as a catalyst for unwinding from a challenging day.


Adversity introduces a man to himself.
— Albert Einstein